Reading: Students will continue to study static and dynamic characters as they read stories from Every Living Thing. Lessons will focus on determining events that cause a character to change and supporting the theme with evidence from the text. During the writing block, students will begin to investigate topics they are passionate about learning. This will eventually lead to a writing project. Encourage students to notice topics and ideas that interest them outside of school as they will be adding to an on-going list. Friday, students will participate in a fun activity involving #bettertogether.
Social Studies: Learning about the Great Chicago Fire will kick the week off in social studies. Following those lessons that center on causes and effects, students will learn how immigrants contributed to the development of Chicago. They will also have time to work on their ABC book project. Students will also learn to identify setting details in a text.
Math: In the math block, I'll instruct lessons around decimal notation and computation. Towards the end of the week, we'll begin a fun winter project that will extend into next week as well. We need holiday catalogs for this project- please send them to school with your child!
Read Aloud: We finally finished The Birchbark House. Next week, we'll begin our next read aloud, The Important Thing About Jellyfish.
Ms. C's last day with our class is next Friday, December 14th. If you see her in the hallway, please wish her well in her future career as a teacher. We were lucky to have her in our class this year.
Important Reminders
12/14 Progress Reports go home
12/20 30 BT + project check-in